Founded & directed by Kevin & Julia Garratt, Nation to Nation's Border Community LIFEHUB at the Thailand/Myanmar border is where children, youth, and families make friends, build relationships and experience Hope that Changes Lives.
Welcome to the HUB!
Care for Families and Communities in Crisis

In 2024, we assisted over 30 displaced communities living in makeshift camps or on-the-run along the Thai/Myanmar border due to bombing of their villages and natural disasters including flooding. Food, shelter, clean water & hygiene care saves lives.
Nation to Nation national teams assess and assist communities on-the-run and families in crisis or extreme poverty. We train, teach, pray for, and resource them with rice, family sacs, hygiene kits, clean water, solar light, and crisis assistance.
Life-sustaining Food Aid
$100 Family Sacs feed a family for a month
Each Sac includes 40kg rice, onion, garlic, chilis, salt, oil, dry or canned fish and small essential items based on assessment.
Help us care for 250 families/month
Communities in Crisis
Ready to provide life-sustaining assistance in 2025
$210,000 Crisis Aid (includes rice, food, shelters, tarps, school supplies, solar lights, medicines, cookware, mosquito nets, blankets)
$22,000 for 7 clean water systems & system maintenance
$121,000 for Hygiene Kits & hygiene product training
Equipping Hope-filled & Hope-fuelled Leaders

In 2024 the Nation to Nation LIFEHUB trained and resourced 7 national leaders, formed 2 lead teams, and accepted 7 interns. In 2025 our Learn-Live-Lead-Launch program is positioned to replicate and grow as we seek a second LIFEHUB location.
Nation to Nation trains, equips, resources, launches, and guides young national leaders and their teams to serve people in crisis struggling to find hope and sustain their lives while facing daily suffering caused by war and poverty.
Empowering NextGen National Leaders: The LIFEHUB Team
Our LIFEHUB community Learn-Live-Lead-Launch training program.
Youth Venture Internship (YVI)
A One-year immersion into the Nation to Nation Community LIFEHUB. Each intern develops skills in non-profit operations, communications, translation/interpretation, community impact, team dynamics, leadership, and spiritual formation.
Help fill the future with
Hope-filled & Hope-fuelled Leaders
Care for Children and Youth

In 2023 & 2024, 2000 LIFEPAC backpacks reached vulnerable students. In 2025, due to a huge influx of refugees in our border region, we need LIFEPACs and bi-monthly hygiene kits for 1500 students. In 2025 we will train our third cohort in the Youth Vision Program.
Nation to Nation teams take what they learn at the HUB and put it into action with children and youth. Thai, Karen & Burmese teams train, equip and resource children and youth through Bible & Activity clubs, holiday camps and special events. Each team also distributes crisis aid, soy milk and hygiene kits and provides aid-making training where possible.
Youth Vision Program
12-week course in Skills for Success and a 6-week course in Entrepreneurship and Side Hustles for disadvantaged youth aged 17-21 separated by war from their families.
Weekly Soy Milk
$150/week provides 10 batches of LIFEHUB soy milk made and distributed to 500+ children every Wednesday.
LIFEPAC Backpacks & Hygiene Kits for Students
Backpack with: hygiene kit (soap, towel, cup, HUB-made soap & shampoo, toothbrush & toothpaste, laundry soap), school supply kits, gospel activity book, snack, & one toy/solar light.
$40/LIFEPAC backpack + $65 hygiene kits (6) for a year
Our goal: $105/student
Bring 1500 smiles to 1500 students

Our Impact
3 years
immersed in the Myanmar/Thailand border community building strategic relationships and engaging in crisis aid, staff development and training for replication.
17 national leaders
10 national leaders and 7 interns are being trained, resourced and launched at the border community LIFEHUB
Assisting 30+ communities in crisis
bringing crisis aid and training to 1000s affected by the bombing of their villages, flooding, displacement and war-fatigue
LIFEPAC Backpacks

$105 / student
for a loaded LIFEPAC &
6 bi-monthly hygiene kits
Monthly Family Sacs

$100 / family sac
for monthly outreach to families & caregivers in crisis or extreme poverty
Empower LIFEHUB Leaders

Be a monthly LIFEHUB Partner
Learn/Live/Lead/Launch HUB Community Training Program
Youth Vision Program

$450 / 18 week
Success for Life & Entrepreneurship training for at-risk teens
Rice &
Crisis Aid

$3500 gives
Urgent rice, staple food and essential aid for a community in crisis
Bless a Community

Special Projects
crisis shelter, safe houses, multi-use community spaces, schools, education, sustainable development, transportation. For current opportunities contact kevin@nation-to-nation

Pray. Help. Give. Go!
Partner with Nation to Nation
Share Hope that Changes Lives
Ways to Donate
Send e-transfer to "giving@nation-to-nation.com"
By Pre-authorized bank debit. Please download and fill out the Pre-authorized Debit form.
By Credit Card using the online form
By Cheque to "Nation to Nation" to PO BOX 2551 Stn A, Abbotsford BC, Canada V2T 6R3
By Cheque to to "Hope International" - designated for Nation to Nation to 11780 Borman Drive St. Louis, MO 63141 U.S.A.
England & UK
Give online via Platform67. Contact sairah@nation-to-nation.com for details.
Thank you! Your donation allows us to reach vulnerable communities with redemptive compassion.
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