Each LIFEPAC backpack includes locally-sourced gifts, school & hygiene kits, a cup and snacks.
$35 provides a child with a LIFEPAC.
GOAL: LIFEPACs for 1000 children
Nutritious weekly meals for boarding home children & youth
"What do the children have for breakfast, lunch and dinner?"
"With eggs?"
"No, just rice with chili paste."
Many children's homes have only have two meals per day.
$3250 /month ($750/week)
Help us provide 500 nutritious meals per week for children and youth.
Soy Milk
​The Red House LIFEHUB team with the help of our interns, make and deliver warm, organic soy milk to orphans and at-risk children and youth.
$740/month ($185/week)
Help us provide 500 cups of homemade soy milk per week
Bring ChristmasJoy Today
Little Sun solar lights & Let Your Light Shine books
Keep children and youth safe in the darkness of border camps for displaced people.
$30 provides a Little Sun & book
Goal: 1000 Little Suns
Crisis Aid
Goal: $125,000 in 2023
We source, transport and deliver emergency crisis aid to IDPs (internally displaced persons) and families and communities in crisis due to conflict.
$100 Family Sack
$1850 185 families & 400+ children
$5000 500 families & 620+ children
$25,000 Emergency Response (shelter, food, rice, water, hygiene kits, clothes, blankets, tarps, solar light, etc.) for a community in crisis.
Help us save as many lives as possible ​
Clean Water Systems
Goal: $52,500 in 2023
Accessible, safe access to clean water is vital for living in a thriving community. We work with our national partner to source, transport, install and maintain water systems for IDPs (internally displaced persons), migrant schools and and refugee communities on the move.
$3500 provides a displaced or new refugee border community with a clean water system
Help us provide 15 clean water systems