Each LIFEPAC backpack includes locally-sourced gifts, school & hygiene kits, a cup and snacks.
$35 provides a child with a LIFEPAC.
GOAL: LIFEPACs for 1000 children

Nutritious weekly meals for boarding home children & youth
"What do the children have for breakfast, lunch and dinner?"
"With eggs?"
"No, just rice with chili paste."
Many children's homes have only have two meals per day.
$3250 /month ($750/week)
Help us provide 500 nutritious meals per week for children and youth.

Soy Milk

The Red House LIFEHUB team with the help of our interns, make and deliver warm, organic soy milk to orphans and at-risk children and youth.
$740/month ($185/week)
Help us provide 500 cups of homemade soy milk per week

Bring ChristmasJoy Today

Little Sun solar lights & Let Your Light Shine books

Keep children and youth safe in the darkness of border camps for displaced people.
$30 provides a Little Sun & book
Goal: 1000 Little Suns

Crisis Aid
Goal: $125,000 in 2023
We source, transport and deliver emergency crisis aid to IDPs (internally displaced persons) and families and communities in crisis due to conflict.
$100 Family Sack
$1850 185 families & 400+ children
$5000 500 families & 620+ children
$25,000 Emergency Response (shelter, food, rice, water, hygiene kits, clothes, blankets, tarps, solar light, etc.) for a community in crisis.
Help us save as many lives as possible
Clean Water Systems

Goal: $52,500 in 2023
Accessible, safe access to clean water is vital for living in a thriving community. We work with our national partner to source, transport, install and maintain water systems for IDPs (internally displaced persons), migrant schools and and refugee communities on the move.
$3500 provides a displaced or new refugee border community with a clean water system
Help us provide 15 clean water systems

Bring ChristmasJoy Today

Youth Vision Training

Sponsor 12 youths for a 6-month sustainable livelihood training program at the Red House border community LIFEHUB.
The interns will learn to make products such as soy milk, soap, mosquito spray, organic cleaner, chili paste, protein bars and learn to plant banana trees, gardening and how to start small community businesses. Graduates will have both life and livelihood skills to take the next step for their futures.
$750 will sponsor one youth for 6 months.
Help us train 12 new interns

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.
– 1 Peter 3:15

Join us to share hope that changes lives
Thank you for partnering with us
Donate via e-transfer to "giving@nation-to-nation.com" in Canada