ChristmasJoy 2024
Come and peek through the window at life along the border and join in bringing ChristmasJoy to thousands.​
✦ 1500 students/1500 smiles
✦ 3000 jungle children/3000 steps forward
✦ 500 families/500 hope encounters
✦ 17 leaders/hope that changes lives​
What practical and life-changing ways can you bring
Good News of Comfort & Joy to ease the suffering of children, youth and communities suffering and in crisis due to active war?
Care for Children and Youth
ChristmasJoy Challenge: 1500 students/1500 smiles
Can you help 1500 children start school with LIFEPAC backpacks and hygiene care kits for a year?
ChristmasJoy Challenge: 3000 children/3000 steps forward
Can you send school supplies into the Myanmar jungle to help 3000 children desperate to start school after three years without education?
3000+ children have been in hiding with their families in the jungles to escape war that devastated their villages. They desperately need education. The villagers are building small school structures and finding volunteer teachers. Nation to Nation will provide the school supplies.
$110 for 20 children
$550 for 100
$5500 for 1000
3000 children/3000 steps forward
ChristmasJoy Challenge: 17 hope-filled leaders/30+ communities impacted
Join us as a monthly LIFEHUB partner and help fill the future with hope-filled, hope-fueled NextGen leaders?
Train, Resource and Launch National Leaders
Nation to Nation's LIFEHUB replicable community Learn-Live-Lead-Launch training trains, equips, resources, launches, and guides young national leaders and interns.​ Our Thai, Karen & Burmese teams take what they learn at the HUB and put it into action with children, youth, families and communities struggling to find hope and sustain their lives while facing daily suffering caused by war, displacement, and poverty.
After assessment our teams assist communities on-the-run and families in crisis by resourcing them with with rice, family sacs, hygiene kits, clean water, solar light, soy milk and crisis assistance. On monthly visits they share, pray for and encourage families and offer weekly Bible & Activity clubs, holiday camps, and special events for youth and children in migrant and IDP communities. Where possible our teams do DIY soap, shampoo, and dish soap training.
Nation to Nation LIFEHUB Leaders: Read more
Youth Ventures Internship: Read more​
Help us fill the future with hope-filled, hope-fueled leaders.
Become a monthly LIFEHUB partner
$100/$250/$500 a month​
ChristmasJoy Challenge: 500 families/500 hope encounters
Can you provide 500 families with Christmas family food sacs, hand delivered by our Nation to Nation teams who bring joy by singing, praying, and sharing their hope stories with each family?
Care for Families and Communities in Crisis
Care for Communities in Crisis
$210,000 for Crisis Aid (rice, food, shelters, tarps, school supplies, solar lights, medicines, cookware, mosquito nets, blankets)
$22,000 for 7 clean water systems & system maintenance
$121,00 for Hygiene Kits & hygiene product training
Life-sustaining Food Aid — Family Sacs Feed a Family for a Month
A Family Sac includes 40kg rice, onion, garlic, chilis, salt, oil, dry or canned fish and small essential items based on assessment.
$100/family per month
ChristmasJoy Challenge: 500 families/500 hope encounters
ChristmasJoy Challenge: Bless 500 families this Christmas​​
500 families/500 hope encounters
Will you help?
LIFEPAC Backpacks
$105 provides a child with a backpack loaded with school supplies, a gospel book , age-appropriate activities and bi-monthly hygiene kits for a year.
ChristmasJoy Goal: 1500 students/1500 smiles
Bless a School Community
$110 provides 20 children hiding in the Myanmar jungle to restart school with the supplies that they need.
ChristmasJoy Goal: 3000 children/3000 steps forward
Empower LIFEHUB Leaders
A monthly or one-time gift helps young national leaders and interns participate in our Learn-Live-Lead-Launch LIFEHUB program
Become a monthly LIFEHUB partner
$100/$250/$500 month
Life-sustaining Food Aid: Monthly Family Sac
$100 provides a family in-need with basic emergency rations for a month
ChristmasJoy Challenge: Care for 500 families this Christmas​​
Bless a Community
Save lives by providing shelter, safe houses, clean water systems, multi-use community and sustainable development land, schools, education, or transportation. For current opportunities contact kevin@nation-to-nation
Good News of Comfort & Joy
"So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you." John 16:22
Join us to bring ChristmasJoy today
Ways to Donate
Send e-transfer to ""
By Cheque to "Nation to Nation" to PO BOX 2551 Stn A, Abbotsford BC, Canada V2T 6R3
By Pre-authorized bank debit. Please download and fill out the Pre-authorized Debit form.
By Credit Card using the online form
By Cheque to to "Hope International" - designated for Nation to Nation to 11780 Borman Drive St. Louis, MO 63141 U.S.A.
England & UK
Give online via Platform67. Contact for details.